Foster Care
Making a Difference
CCWC offers foster care for children who have been separated from their birth families for reasons of abuse and/or neglect. CCWC licenses foster families to provide a safe, loving, temporary home until the child can be reunified with their birth family.
If you are interested in becoming a Foster Home
Start by completing an inquiry on the Michigan Foster Care website. Once you have completed that process, please register for one of our upcoming foster care/adoption orientation meetings.
Becoming a Foster Family
If you are considering becoming a foster parent as an avenue to build your family:
- First, register on the Michigan Foster Care website
- Next, we encourage you to attend one of our upcoming Foster Care/Waiting Child Adoption Orientation Meetings for an overview of our foster care program.
There are no fees associated with becoming licensed for foster care.
Additional Foster Care Information
Children in foster care served by Catholic Charities Washtenaw County come from all groups and backgrounds. There are children of all races and ages. Each child has a different level of need, depending on his or her individual well-being. Children may have increased needs due to mental health diagnoses, emotional impairment, physical disability, or learning delay. Children in foster care sometimes struggle with attachment and separation issues stemming from the removal from their family of origin. Moving from foster home to foster home compounds these issues.
There is a constant need for families who can take multiple children, as it is top priority to keep siblings together in the same home whenever possible. It is important to remember that each child is unique, and deserves a loving, supportive family.
A foster parent must be 18 years or older. They may be married or single. Requirements:
- Be of good moral character. Certain criminal convictions will prohibit individuals from licensing approval.
- Be of adequate physical, mental, and emotional health to assure the needs of foster children.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the needs of children and the ability to care for children.
- Express a willingness and ability to work with the child’s family
- Possess sufficient housing and a stable income. Verification of finances will be requested.
- Submit to a medical clearance, criminal background check, and provide three unrelated references.
- Complete annual training.
All families will be provided with training to prepare themselves for the placement of a foster child. In order to make an informed decision about becoming licensed, CCWC offers a semi-monthly orientation meeting on the first Wednesday of every month from 5:30pm – 8:30pm and third Wednesday of every month from 9:30am – 12:30pm. Every applicant must attend the orientation if they would like to submit an application request.
GROW training is a state-mandated curriculum that all foster and adoptive parents must participate in. It includes eleven topics such as trauma, attachment, child development, and systems and policies, plus a foster, adoptive, and relative panel. GROW training is offered in every county. Your licensing worker will provide you with a schedule of local training options and enroll you. There is no cost associated with attending. Prior to licensure, families must complete their GROW training. Annual trainings must also be completed to maintain a foster home license. We hope to provide you with the skill-set necessary for the optimal care of our foster children.
Foster parents are offered an array of services throughout the licensing process as well as when they begin fostering children. The following is a list of resources and support options that are available to foster parents.
- Local foster parent support groups are held in various locations and online. A list of support groups is provided to families on a weekly basis.
- Training credit is provided to foster parents when attending support groups that have a guest speaker on a specific foster care related topic.
- Online resources or training opportunities are available via websites pertaining to foster care related material, adoption related material, and youth sites. Information about website links will be given to foster parents once they are licensed and every year thereafter.
- Trainings and workshops are also provided to foster parents through the Washtenaw Coalition, Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw, and in the community.
- Services that are offered to children in the Community include Early On, Head Start, First Steps, and therapeutic services.
- Agency support, including crisis intervention related services and after-hours emergency support.
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