Legacy Giving / Planned Giving

Leaving a Legacy Means Different Things to Different People

For friends of Catholic Charities Washtenaw County, leaving a legacy can mean creating lasting partnerships through endowment support; for others, it can be achieved by making bequest gifts* for specific programs that are the most meaningful to them. Whatever donors choose to do, designating CCWC as a beneficiary in estate plans ensures the future of our programs and our ability to fulfill a vision of, "Changing lives through compassionate service."

Here are two stories of love and giving back. In other words: Leaving a Legacy.

Archival studio photo of the Bauer family.Life’s Most Meaningful Gifts

Mark and Doris Bauer adopted a very special baby through Catholic Charities of Washtenaw County back in 1970. Baby Ann was born with significant physical and likely mental disabilities, but the Bauers were not dissuaded from giving this beautiful child a life filled with love — no matter how fleeting. Doris’s “Little Angel”, as Ann was called, lived to be 54 years old, thanks to her parents’ love, faith, and commitment to their daughter.

After her husband’s death in 2010, Doris prayed that when the time comes, Ann would go before her so she would never know a day without her mother. As it happened, in 2023 Doris died less than six months after her Little Angel. Doris’s prayers were answered.

The Bauers’ generous bequest to Catholic Charities Washtenaw County reflected the love they had for Ann and the wish to support our mission of sharing the love and presence of Christ in our community through acts of compassion and mercy in a manner that respects the inherent dignity of every person.

A Commitment to Good Health and Caring for Others

Stephen Loney finishing a marathon decades ago.

Our Northside Food Pantry is the answer to thousands of calls for help with food and personal care items, and for opportunities to make a difference.

Thanks to his familiarity with the work of the Pantry and the important role nutrition plays in creating better health, the late Stephen Loney, a former Board member, donor, and athlete, made this program of Catholic Charities Washtenaw County a priority. He knew he could help.

Through his giving to our organization and countless other local agencies, Steve not only made a difference in his lifetime — his generosity is having an impact that continues today. An initial gift of $100,000 from Steve’s estate in 2022 provided funding for the foreseeable future for the Northside Food Pantry, which operates solely on grants and donations.

If you wish to make a legacy gift to Catholic Charities or would like information about including us in your estate plans, please contact Katie Elliott, Major Gifts Officer, at (734) 649-6012 or [email protected].